Hurricane Readiness: How to Create a Plan of Action for Your Family


Hurricane Readiness: How to Create a Plan of Action for Your Family

If you’ve lived in Florida for any length of time, you know how quickly the weather can change. One minute you may have clear, sunny skies, the next, a thunderstorm. As you know, we can never assume that just because we’ve had a long stretch without hurricanes that one couldn’t develop within a very short time. Best to prepare and be ready before the need even arises. The time to create your hurricane plan of action is now. Though every family will need to build their plan to suit their own unique needs, we’ve put together some tips to help you design a plan that’s right for you.Supply KitThis should contain only the basics: non-perishable food, water, clothing, medical supplies, such as a first aid kit and medications, and important documents. Your supply kit should be portable—in the event that you need to evacuate, you’ll need to take this with you. This kit should be something that you keep together at all times, not something you pack when a hurricane warning is issued. Storms can form quickly and you may not have time to prepare at the last minute.Emergency Checklist—Assign RolesWhen severe weather is on the way important tasks or necessary supplies can be easily forgotten. Avoid last-minute panic and prepare beforehand by writing an emergency checklist and keeping it in an easily accessible place. This may include tasks such as securing lawn furniture, closing up storm shutters, and putting your emergency supply kit in the car if you’re evacuating. Assign these tasks to family members beforehand so that each person knows what they’re responsible for and nothing goes forgotten.Storing Food and EssentialsIf you don’t evacuate, you’ll need to be prepared for an extended post-disaster period. Flooding, blocked roads, and other conditions may make it difficult for rescue workers to reach you. Keep a stock of non-perishable food, water, medical supplies, batteries, and other essentials. The rule of thumb is to stock enough for three days, but if you have the storage space then it can’t hurt to keep more. Regularly make sure these supplies are kept up-to-date. For a more extensive list of what items to stock up on, see our post, How To Stock Up For Hurricane Season. Know Where to GoDo you know the best evacuation route? If you need to evacuate, will you go to a shelter or to a friend or relative out of town? Is each member of your family aware of where to go in the event that you’re not together when a hurricane warning is issued? Answer these questions together so everyone is clear and confident about your plan. DrillOnce all the details of your plan are in place, it’s time to practice. Have regular hurricane drills and iron out any wrinkles you may discover in your plan. Practice frequently, such as once a week, until everyone can perform their assigned responsibilities as quickly and efficiently as possible. Once everyone in your family is confident, the frequency of drills can be reduced to every month or two just to make sure nothing is forgotten.As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Planning ahead can protect your family and your home from the devastation a severe storm can cause. Is Castle part of your action plan? Contact us today to find out how we can help you prepare before it’s too late.

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