The Benefits of Indoor Plants


The Benefits of Indoor Plants

You’re probably already aware of some of the benefits of having houseplants. Yes, they add a fresh, lively look to your interiors and, as we mentioned in our last post, can help keep you cool during the hot summer months. But their positive effects include much more than sprucing up your decor—they’re good for your health as well!

Here’s to Your Health

Time for some elementary science review! We humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Plants, however, do the exact opposite during photosynthesis. By keeping houseplants, oxygen-making machines, you’re essentially creating fresh air right in your home. Plants also act as natural, and very effective, air purifiers. Many man-made fibers, such as vinyl and plastics, release toxins into the air. In addition, modern, energy efficient homes tend to prevent airflow from outdoors. Though energy is saved in this way, it does mean that toxins are kept indoors.If you have houseplants, however, you’ve got nothing to worry about—they take those toxins out of the air and trap them in the soil where they’re converted into food. And the benefits don’t stop with fresher indoor air. As plants respire, they release moisture, preventing respiratory illness, dry skin, coughs and colds. Researchers have also found that the presence of plants helps in illness recovery and decreases a number of stress-related symptoms.

Which Plants?

Now we know—in general, all kinds of houseplants offer a host of benefits. But specific types of plants have their own unique parts to play. For example, peace lilies, a favorite for indoor areas without much natural light, are better for removing mold from the air, especially desirable in bathrooms or areas that may tend to be damp.When most plants take a break from photosynthesis at night (and thus take a break from creating oxygen) other plants, such as orchids and succulents, do just the opposite and increase their oxygen production. Place these plants in bedrooms to enjoy their benefits while you sleep.If you suffer from respiratory problems, consider ferns, which are especially good at humidifying the air.As you can see, whichever houseplants you choose, you can’t go wrong when adding plants to your home. 

Proper Care

When adding plants to your interiors, it is important to consider the needs of the plant. All plants in containers require regular watering and some degree of sunlight. Be sure that you’re familiar with the amount of sun required for your particular plant. You’ll also need to be sure leaves don’t collect dust. The better you care for your houseplants, the better they’ll be able to bring life to your home. 

A Final Note

At Castle, we pride ourselves on our excellence. This means, of course that when we fit impact windows and doors, we do it well. As mentioned, well-fitted windows and doors are more energy efficient, minimizing airflow. Though this is positive, both for the environment and your energy bills, it can have an effect on the air quality in your home. But with the tips above, the air in your home can be as fresh and clean as a clear day. Choose your favorite greenery and enjoy its benefits today!

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